Kamis, 21 Mei 2009
Where it came from this body art piercing? Results of research shows that since the days of old in some countries the jewelry in the body as a mode. Unlike the tattoo of a permanent, body jewelry can be replaced-change. Below are several types of body piercing and art history:
In the ear cartilage: Being from Africa, North America and South America, Indonesia, and India. Art is beauty and elegance cause.
In the ear: Arts pierced ear marks this change in the status of life membership of a group.
In cheek: The man from the Aleutian Islands pierced cheek when they hunt whales. With cheeks pierced with a fishing rod, they have a mustache like a dog to frighten the sea so that they are more successful hunting.
In the eye brow and navel: Egypt Population pierced using this as a sign consanguine blue.
On the nose: To the Indian, pierced nose reflect beauty.
Septum in the nose: Aboriginal tribe in Australia to use the bones to bones pierced septum that marks their combatant status.
On the lips: Being from Australia, New Guinea, Africa, India, North America and South America, and Indonesia. In religious ceremonies, pierced lips signify the child toward maturity word . This art also reflects the beauty of the face.
In the tongue: The Maya tongue in Peru perced when they hold their religious ceremonies to talk to their fathers.
In the nipple: In the 14th century, women Bavaria in Germany wearing diamond rings on the nipple and weave gold necklace. In the Roman era, the male nipple pierced status as a sign of masculine and daring.
In the genitals: Being from Southeast Asia, India, Greece, Italy, Samoa, China and Kalimantan. Basically, art is to increase the enjoyment in the related agencies.
In the ear cartilage: Being from Africa, North America and South America, Indonesia, and India. Art is beauty and elegance cause.
In the ear: Arts pierced ear marks this change in the status of life membership of a group.
In cheek: The man from the Aleutian Islands pierced cheek when they hunt whales. With cheeks pierced with a fishing rod, they have a mustache like a dog to frighten the sea so that they are more successful hunting.
In the eye brow and navel: Egypt Population pierced using this as a sign consanguine blue.
On the nose: To the Indian, pierced nose reflect beauty.
Septum in the nose: Aboriginal tribe in Australia to use the bones to bones pierced septum that marks their combatant status.
On the lips: Being from Australia, New Guinea, Africa, India, North America and South America, and Indonesia. In religious ceremonies, pierced lips signify the child toward maturity word . This art also reflects the beauty of the face.
In the tongue: The Maya tongue in Peru perced when they hold their religious ceremonies to talk to their fathers.
In the nipple: In the 14th century, women Bavaria in Germany wearing diamond rings on the nipple and weave gold necklace. In the Roman era, the male nipple pierced status as a sign of masculine and daring.
In the genitals: Being from Southeast Asia, India, Greece, Italy, Samoa, China and Kalimantan. Basically, art is to increase the enjoyment in the related agencies.
Label: lip piercings, sexy piercing
HealthyLife - When the son-daughter or even your own wish to join the trend pierced, first read everything about this body piercing. We still remember about the trousers cutbrai popular in 70an? Or long and shaggy hair became a fashion in the years 80an? Since mid-year 90an, pierced body starts to change into this popular and often associated with the lives of adolescent rebellion.
Because body piercing has become popular among youth, places the body began to appear menindik everywhere. These places are usually the practice with very limited or no rules at all, and does not consider the risk of infection or other factors that endanger health.
In the United States alone, 10 new states which have issued regulations for body piercing teenagers. In some states, the consent of parents must be attached to the under-age children who want to body piercing. Only one state, namely New Mexico, which only allows the body piercing if done by a doctor who holds a license.
Because body piercing has become popular among youth, places the body began to appear menindik everywhere. These places are usually the practice with very limited or no rules at all, and does not consider the risk of infection or other factors that endanger health.
In the United States alone, 10 new states which have issued regulations for body piercing teenagers. In some states, the consent of parents must be attached to the under-age children who want to body piercing. Only one state, namely New Mexico, which only allows the body piercing if done by a doctor who holds a license.
Label: body piercing, lip piercings
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009
Finally, I also pierced tongue. This is the desire terpendamku since 5 years ago (just before pacar2 formative does not yowes never accomplished, fortunately I love the current understanding, hehe). I am actually obsessed with piercing. I have a 8 tindikan. When I pierced the ear like ga cool again. I pierced the navel (the first stomach flat, but now dah ga beautiful bulge again gara2, huwaaaa). And like the old plan I have tindikan in a place in the face. As in the brow, lips, tongue, voice. If the nose is not, because I am inexperienced hold, inhibit ajah tu hehe ntar earrings. I think I hem ato eyebrow, too visible, such as metal and so, therefore I prefer the tongue, because the location is hidden. All the oral, once choosy, many meals, many tambelan teeth, now add pierced hehe. Instead I planned a later time (klo emang allows) a split tongue, wah certain style of rich * talking shit! What have be similar to the animals' knowledge 'that people throw in the garden of Eden the first time. ; p WOULD BE GREAT!

I mam eskrim let cool. Tongue normal aja. not sick. It is not sick if pierced in the ear. Untung mamam ever before, so try to make mamam ga sampe malem. Night I try to eat the noodles, damn! can not eat well. Usually I always eat the tongue to melumat, it is difficult for the tongue movement, the movement certainly contraction same tooth, and that the pain! Yes it is the night I do not eat, fortunately still satisfied.
Piercing first day with the tongue. Ga was breakfast! So mimi susu aja, ngisep is also quite difficult from a straw. I do not think tu tongue swollen, apparently sizable swelling, ordinary is not rich. But I ngomong tetep sourish, pierced tongue as would any normal aja, lust ngomong still must be carried out. I'm starving a whole day! I just eat a can swallow, or get a small straight teeth go right for what the left continue to swallow chewed. Food until the evening I was green beans, small oranges, pudding, milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Sorenya while working on the task in what is kosan plates, not able to withstand temptations and I live to eat, eat tetep walupun sick! Hahaha. Dah night I can eat enough weight, such as porridge, pempek, know fried, and dried mushrooms.
Second day. I determined on this day I have to eat a lot! And I have to start practice to eat, I eat the rice directly on the chicken flavor bali pedes. Until, how can eating ga pedes the first, but what a name, which is also hobby. Hehehe. But after eating smoothly, new problems appear. Cadel! Letters L, R, the same S. Hahaha! But the third day i was a presentation with spectacular
Now, after two weeks since the first time pierced, dah I can run all the activities related to the tongue and lips. Including food, taste food, without ngomong cadel, osculation the lips without pierced, but there seems to be a sensation if antingnya can play the rhythm bercium hehe), and other. eskrim and eat candy. Peppermint and eskrim ga directly to the tongue because k earrings. But so far there is no problem that bener2 esential.
Conclusion: pierced tongue was not sore. Period it is faster than in the ear pierced. play with the jewelery in the mouth if no longer work. Get pierced!
Piercing first day with the tongue. Ga was breakfast! So mimi susu aja, ngisep is also quite difficult from a straw. I do not think tu tongue swollen, apparently sizable swelling, ordinary is not rich. But I ngomong tetep sourish, pierced tongue as would any normal aja, lust ngomong still must be carried out. I'm starving a whole day! I just eat a can swallow, or get a small straight teeth go right for what the left continue to swallow chewed. Food until the evening I was green beans, small oranges, pudding, milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Sorenya while working on the task in what is kosan plates, not able to withstand temptations and I live to eat, eat tetep walupun sick! Hahaha. Dah night I can eat enough weight, such as porridge, pempek, know fried, and dried mushrooms.
Second day. I determined on this day I have to eat a lot! And I have to start practice to eat, I eat the rice directly on the chicken flavor bali pedes. Until, how can eating ga pedes the first, but what a name, which is also hobby. Hehehe. But after eating smoothly, new problems appear. Cadel! Letters L, R, the same S. Hahaha! But the third day i was a presentation with spectacular
Now, after two weeks since the first time pierced, dah I can run all the activities related to the tongue and lips. Including food, taste food, without ngomong cadel, osculation the lips without pierced, but there seems to be a sensation if antingnya can play the rhythm bercium hehe), and other. eskrim and eat candy. Peppermint and eskrim ga directly to the tongue because k earrings. But so far there is no problem that bener2 esential.
Conclusion: pierced tongue was not sore. Period it is faster than in the ear pierced. play with the jewelery in the mouth if no longer work. Get pierced!
Label: lip piercings, sexy piercing
I Pierced my tongue last week. I previously thought pierced tongue banget tuh pain, in that broken-broken lips tongue aja ga da rich n super function ill. But it turns out tuh ga tongue piercing pain at all (compared to other piercing)! Stories ah ..
I Pierced in D 'Paris Blok M. There is a certificate sub-culture of clubs, associations so piercing and tattoo, pierced so cool things vital there, hahaha. So the first time is to choose earrings. Because I love the Football, therefore I choose the color orange to sukaanku, and glow in the dark haha. Then the piercing (which also has a piercing in the tongue) to clean equipment that will be used, the needles, nippers, gloves, and a kind of Foam for sterilization. I was tense half-dead, because the mind has to kind of, start to eat ga, ga can savor a sense, cadel, can not kiss up to (halah!). Wakakaka. Mbanya time like the pin, 'Pull breath yah'. And when the needle pierce my tongue, it seems, 'Damn, this is the I LOVE PAIN!' As I feel the orgasm orally (ne, the fixation in the oral stage, ni).
I Pierced in D 'Paris Blok M. There is a certificate sub-culture of clubs, associations so piercing and tattoo, pierced so cool things vital there, hahaha. So the first time is to choose earrings. Because I love the Football, therefore I choose the color orange to sukaanku, and glow in the dark haha. Then the piercing (which also has a piercing in the tongue) to clean equipment that will be used, the needles, nippers, gloves, and a kind of Foam for sterilization. I was tense half-dead, because the mind has to kind of, start to eat ga, ga can savor a sense, cadel, can not kiss up to (halah!). Wakakaka. Mbanya time like the pin, 'Pull breath yah'. And when the needle pierce my tongue, it seems, 'Damn, this is the I LOVE PAIN!' As I feel the orgasm orally (ne, the fixation in the oral stage, ni).
Next, the pair of pierced earrings there, saliva fall-ber, I felt like mentally retarded weeks same drivel.
Label: lip piercings, sexy piercing
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