Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
Body piercing is a fabulous way of expressing yourself and your personality in an outward fashion. Many individuals choose to pierce one or several parts of their body in order to either make a statement or add a unique aspect to their appearance. However, before you decide to pierce any part of your body, carefully consider the choice since this form of self expression is a bit more permanent than changing a hairstyle, experimenting with cosmetics, or creating your own fashion statement.
Body piercing has been used as an art form for thousands of years. Everyone from ancient cavemen to ancient cultures and civilizations has used body piercing to express a variety of thoughts. Some cultures, including the ancient Aztecs, use body piercing to commune with the gods, whereas other cultures, including those in several African tribes, use body piercings to express beauty, status, or wealth.
Men and women choose to pierce all parts of their bodies for a variety of reasons. The most popular reason given for body piercing is to add a unique feature to the individual. Many people to either want to pierce their body parts or have already pierced different parts of their body wish to break out of the norm that our society has set. Although body piercing is a more permanent way of expressing yourself, it can be done in a subtle and tasteful fashion for those individuals worried about how their personal expression will affect different aspects of their lives, including their public, private, and business lives.
Label: Belly Piercing
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