Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
Body piercing has been a fast-growing phenomenon in Western, developed nations since the early 90’s. Interestingly enough, this form of “neo-art” has its roots in the ancient traditions of many tribal cultures.
Body piercing has been aggressively marketed as a connection to non-western spiritual and cultural practices, though such a link does not seem to actually exist. Nonetheless, modern primitivism claims that current piercing practices correspond to ancient “rite of passage” ceremonies.
Once thought to be an extreme trend, body piercing has enjoyed massive growth in the past decade. For instance, just about any town in the U.S. with a population of over 20,000 is likely to have one or more piercing studios.
The market for piercing has become competitive and virtually flooded with new service providers. Unfortunately many vendors have not undergone any significant training before opening shop.
In addition to various infections, hepatitis C can result from improper piercing procedure, poor care of pierced area, or the use of non-sterile piercing tools. More than just a “cool new look” any non-traditional piercing of the body should be viewed as an important decision and a major responsibility.
Label: Body Piercing Rings
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