Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Belly Ring

This is a question that mothers dread to hear from their teens. And, with the emergence of the new age group called tweens, the age group between children and teens, the popping of this question has become very difficult to predict. Of course, it is very difficult to respond neutrally to such a worrying question. Parents are hardwired to protect their children from danger. And, with the bad reputation of body piercings, giving a negative and angry answer is understandable. But, keep in mind that your children may not respond well to such a reply. It is very possible that your reaction would ignite their rebellious streak and drive them to do this behind your back.

But, everyone is doing it…

Of course, before you daughter decides to do it behind your back, she’ll try to give it another try. And, you’re sure to hear this statement. It may not be a very sensible rebuttal, but it does hit its mark. Even though you are not trying to follow any parenting trend, it makes you wonder if you are being too hard on her. Even worse, it brings you back to the days when you were the one in her shoes and your mom was the one who was being labeled as unfair. And, you find yourself torn between giving in and fighting for your position in this matter.

Show that you care…

Give in. If you’d rather keep this an open issue and not something she will keep from you, you might as well give in and help her get what she wants. This may sound like a crazy suggestion but it can work out for the both of you. With the advances of today’s technology, you don’t need to get pierced to get a belly ring. Fake belly rings are now available in the market. And, your daughter can get one without being exposed to the dangers that you are afraid of.

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